
Jamie Gavin, PhD, MPH, LMHC, CDP, CEAP

President of Environmentalists, Inc.

399 H Street #5, Blaine, WA 98230
509.386.6524  gavijamie@(if you can see this please update your browser)



To cultivate community and family where loving open communication is coupled with discretion, where healing paths are made plain, and where there is mutual encouragement to grow in healing. Using discretion in applying forgiveness and trust to resolve habits motivated by fear (e.g., anger, depression, anxiety...). Encouraging firmness to principle, with loving supportive acceptance and redirection when missing the mark. Mindfully looking outside ourselves to receive loving change: letting go and letting love have it's immutable way.


1986-PresentPresident, Environmentalists Inc.: providing counseling of individuals, couples and families (youth and adults). Presenting workshops, seminars and televised interviews. Employee assistance consultant and provider: including critical incident stress debriefing and workplace seminars.   
2009-2014Volunteer Program Consultant for Troubled Youth Boarding Schools: Trained and mentored by Bryan Post in healing attachment disorders, using grief and anger work with love. Consulted to develop and enhance provision for family healing and recovery, along with individualized interventions for troubled youth. Provided staff training and mentoring at Miracle Meadows (until 05/01/2010) and then at Jubilee Leadership Academy (until 12/31/2014). Five staff training videos can be viewed at
1999-2008Designated Mental Health Professional: Contracting with Camp Outlook (a juvenile justice boot camp), Connell, WA. Providing consulting and training for staff, and triage interventions for youth. 
1997-2007Mental Health Service Provider: : Contracting with Lourdes Counseling Center (Richland, WA) and Riverview Family Medical Center (Pasco, WA). Assisting physicians through inpatient and outpatient assessments and interventions for all ages, by (1) psychological testing, (2) support group facilitation, and (3) a large range of secular and spiritual oriented counseling for a broad range of disorders (including chronic pain, diabetes, obesity, depression, panic, obsessive-compulsive, bipolar, schizo-affective, attachment, addictions and adjustment).
1990-1993Director, Center for Recovery, Walla Walla General Hospital: Started with a  $40K deficit in 1990: break-even by 1991. In 1992. generated $80,000 to jump-start outpatient services, adolescent treatment and eating disorders treatment. Contracted to provide employee assistance to over 2,000 employees. Initiated an optional, well received, Christian 12-step track. Contracted with managed-care insurers. Reduced fees and restructured, focusing on primary outpatient and freestanding services. Pursued establishment of an adolescent freestanding program--which, through the vision of the site owners, eventually became Jubilee Leadership Academy.
1986-1989Plant Psychologist (contract onsite employee assistance) for General Motors Corporation, Willow Springs, IL (for 2,500 employees during a plant closing): Instituted reforms resulting in $400,000+ annual savings, while saving many lives.
1982-1986Field Coordinator, New Day Center of Hinsdale Hospital, IL: Performed marketing, program development and public relations for one of the best treatment programs in the world (500 people/week attended aftercare, over 10 hrs/mo volunteered by over 100 people). Tripled annual census and additionally increased annual profit by $100,000+/yr, implementing Driving Under the Influence education and assessment services. Clinically filled in and provided services as needed in all facets of the program. Consulted with businesses, treatment programs, schools and churches (e.g., students as mentors development, support group leadership training, intervention seminars in workplace, schools and churches).



2004PhD in Clinical Psychology, Walden University, Minneapolis, MN
1977MPH in Health Education, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA
1971BA in Philosophy, with a minor in Spanish, CSUN, Northridge, CA



1990-2008Director of Skyhook Ministries and Comforting Hope: Performed a televised Christian 12-step video series. Wrote a 12-step book. Provided a 3-month Power to Cope support group series. Facilitated church 12-step spiritual growth meetings, regular weekly attendance of 50 with eight separate self-help support groups, for 3 years. Produced annual Christian 12-step retreats. Presented on depression, anxiety disorders, sexual and other addictions for pastors and Christian men's retreats. Counsel and work with pastors. Church camp-meeting presenter and workshop facilitator. 
1993-PresentConsultant and Trainer: Assisted churches in Poland to develop and ultimately become support systems for their communities.
1993Addiction Recovery Trainer and Lecturer in Russia: Facilitated establishment of two Christian 12-step fellowships in newly formed churches.
1982-1987Member, Substance Abuse Committee of Dupage Child and Family Welfare Consortium.
1982-1987Trainer, Illinois Teen Institute and Operation Snowball. Training student mentors and peer counselors.
1985President, Human Service Coordinating Council, DuPage, IL
1980-1982Initiated and organized a Christ-centered Youth for Better Living Mobile Theatre ministry in San Bernardino, CA



Awards1992 - Professional Citizen of the Year by nomination of the Walla Walla Substance Abuse Task Force and received separate commendation from the Washington State Governor's Task Force Against Drug Dependency.
Bi-LingualFluent in English and Spanish
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